Support Us
The Broome Street Academy Charter High School (BSA) model is built on the belief that the best way to respect and nurture students is to provide access to a high-quality curriculum in tandem with comprehensive supportive services that bolster their academic outcomes and prepare them for post-secondary success. The generosity of our donors helps BSA strengthen this model.
Ways To Give
Donate Online Now to Support BSA Student Success
While you are here, we hope you will consider a monthly donation. Your recurring gift will help bolster BSA’s daily programming, allowing us to address the immediate and ever-changing needs of our students.
Donate NowContributions to Broome Street Academy Charter High School are wholly tax-deductible: EIN tax ID #27-4367067.

Other Ways to Give
Make a donation by check payable to Broome Street Academy and mail it to: Broome Street Academy, Attention: Development, 121 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013
Request that a gift form and envelope be sent to you in the mail: email or call Amy Jelenko at ajelenko@door.org or (212) 453-0274.
Make a gift of appreciated stock or via wire transfer: email or call Barbara Clapp, bclapp@door.org, (212) 453-0269
Name Broome Street Academy in your will or estate planning: email or call Barbara Clapp, bclapp@door.org, (212) 453-0269
Give in-kind gifts or donated items: email or call Riva Tan, rtan@door.org, (646)-809-0484

Grant Making
Broome Street Academy (BSA) is grateful for the generous support of its many foundation partners. If you are interested in learning more about the impact that a grant from your company would have on our organization, or wish to invite BSA to submit a grant application, please contact Dana Friedman at dfriedman@door.org or (212) 317-4850.