Broome Street Academy offers opportunities to participate in numerous athletics, including but not limited to basketball, step/cheerleading, and track.
What We Offer
Broome Street Academy (BSA) Warrior Athletics represent an exciting part of our school culture and climate. Students in grades 9–12 can participate in five sports teams including basketball, flag football, volleyball, track, and step/cheerleading.
Our goal is to give students the opportunity to use sports as an avenue for success. Being a part of our athletic team teaches life skills such as dedication, work ethic, and resilience. Students will also improve their leadership skills, collaboration skills, and time management skills.
All athletes must have a sports physical and a consent to participate form on file before beginning any practices and/or gameplay. The forms may be picked up in the front office and/or the Athletic Director's office. A physician must fill out the sports physical form, and all forms expire after one calendar year.
For more information contact Curtis Jackson, Athletic Director at cjackson@broomestreetacademy.org

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Academics & Supportive Programs
Broome Street Academy Charter High School prepares all students to graduate ready for a successful, fulfilling life post-high school.

Student Activities
Broome Street Academy Charter High School's robust extracurricular program is rooted in the belief that important learning experiences are not limited to the classroom.

Broome Street Academy offers opportunities to participate in numerous athletics, including but not limited to basketball, step/cheerleading, and track.

Staff & Student Resources
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